

Fireborn Energy works with conventional and unconventional energy producers alike when exploring land for oil and gas resources. But what does that mean exactly? It depends on the technique a producer uses to drill.

Conventional energy producers use vertical drilling, in which a well is drilled straight down into the earth. Unconventional producers utilize horizontal drilling, which involves drilling a well to a predetermined depth depending on seismic and other geological data. The drill is then slanted or turned horizontally to complete the well. 

Wells drilled horizontally can be much more productive than vertical wells because of extended contact with the formation. Combined with hydraulic fracturing (or "fracking"), this method has recently led to the development of large amounts of oil and natural gas in the U.S.

What is 'fracking'?

Fracking is the process of creating small cracks in underground geological formations located thousands of feet beneath the surface — using a mixture of water, sand and chemicals — to allow oil or natural gas to flow more easily into the well and up to the surface. 

While there has been debate about the environmental impacts of fracking to ground water and air quality, this safe procedure has been in use successfully for more than 60 years. Fireborn Energy is committed to respecting the environment while using this incredibly effective extraction method when necessary. Watch the video above to learn more about the process.

To learn more about horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, this pdf data sheet producted by the Kentucky Oil and Gas Association presents a very informative, yet concise overview.

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